Brandon Dang


Hi, I'm Brandon Dang. I love meeting new people, exploring new ideas and places, and getting familiar with every bit of the world. I think it’s the best way to design and the only way to make a difference.

I'm a virtual and augmented reality developer looking to uncover new ways to help people become their most comfortable, expressive, and impactful selves in the worlds of the virtual and the real.


I am looking for opportunities in VR or AR development, web front-end development, and VR or AR or 3D software testing.

See my VR, AR, and 3D Experience >>

I am also open to opportunities in 3D development, web full-stack development, web front-end development, and technical project management.

See my Web Development Experience >>

Or my Project Management Experience >>

Full Portfolio

Check out some of my past and ongoing projects. Some were for work, others for studies at the University of Illinois, and others for hobbies, but all were for fun!

My Interests

I fill the in-betweens of my time being immersed in the natural and built worlds and sharing all the ways I’m inspired by them.

Contact Me

Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me! If you wanna clone me, it's okay.